Friends of El Cerrito Trees

"Promoting an environmentally friendly, beautiful and green El Cerrito"

About Us


How To Join



Plant A Tree



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Friends of El Cerrito Trees highly recommend the following links:

California Urban Forests Council - our fiscal sponsor and an environmental tree group whose goals are to help establish Urban Forest Plans for California cities and towns, stressing "the right tree in the right place".

California ReLEAF - we are members of the California ReLEAF Network, an environmental tree group whose goals are to ReLEAF California. They provide grants to help tree groups like ours for tree planting, education, public awareness, etc. Friends of El Cerrito Trees has applied for and received 2 grants from California ReLEAF thus far.

Friends of Baxter Creek - have done lots of good work to promote creek health in El Cerrito, many of our members are also members of this and other local environmental groups.

City of El Cerrito's Website - important information regarding local meetings such as: the City Council, Park & Recreation Commission and Tree Commission Meetings. Friends of El Cerrito Trees is a City of El Cerrito sponsored community group.

Urban Forest Ecosystems Institute- is very good, and has some excellent links. There is a really good list of resources and publications in that section scroll down to the "Benefits and Costs of Urban Forestry:"... that's also good!

International Society of Arborists - has a section on Tree ordinances... under the resource section. A wonderful source for tree lovers.

California Oak Foundation - SB 711, Kuehl, is an important effort to include oak woodlands in CEQA.

Tree Link - Part of the ReLEAF network, this is a great site and wonderful people! Pretty much everything you need to know about trees. All kinds of up-to-date information regarding the latest techniques in pruning, education, grants, research, etc.. Check it out!

The Quote Garden- has wonderful tree quotes by famous people.

Garden Digest- has links to all places trees... links to books, art and sustainable ideas for the 21st Century.



To join the Friends of El Cerrito Trees, or be on the mailing list contact us

Website Design & Maintenance by Deborah DiFruscia
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